Sunday, 21 July 2013

Fail to plan, plan to fail

This old house has sat for far too long waiting for me to start, so start I have. Most of the interior paper has been removed as it was in very poor condition and the same paper is available via Hobby's. I've retained all the external paper and fitments, however have removed the 'glass' which I will replace with acetate.


This scale is new to me and is bothering me a bit. I just don't get it or feel it. So, I've mocked up a room, converted some full, and 12 scale measurements to 16 scale and am feeling like I have a plan! Because I like to see quick results, I am leaving the roof and concentrating on the kitchen, my favourite room in a dolls house, in any house in fact.


I will also be choosing room colour schemes - at least wall and carpets - so will be buying paper and flooring over the next few weeks.

Getting a grip of the scale...

See how 12 scale looks awful in this house ...
A clean surface to either paint or paper. I've stuck down the edges of the external paper so that it will last longer without tearing ...

The old electrics revealed ...