Sunday, 29 December 2013

A new project - my Georgian mansion

Such a long time without a post... but I've been busy.

I've recently acquired a huge mansion house. It has 12 rooms over four storeys, including a basement and attic. It has taken me some time to fix the lighting system, which is the copper tape type.

There are 64 light bulbs running over two circuits, with 50 and 32 bulb transformers. A soldering iron and mini drill have been great help over the last couple of weeks!

Most of the interior decor is complete and to a great standard, although there are a few finishing touches to make.

Externally is another story. It really needs a makeover as it looks very doll-house, so this is my next task. I want to keep the Georgian style and build on that, however some of the exterior decor will have to go!


I love my new 14-arm chandelier...

I will decorate the two corner spaces as attic storage...



Sunday, 21 July 2013

Fail to plan, plan to fail

This old house has sat for far too long waiting for me to start, so start I have. Most of the interior paper has been removed as it was in very poor condition and the same paper is available via Hobby's. I've retained all the external paper and fitments, however have removed the 'glass' which I will replace with acetate.


This scale is new to me and is bothering me a bit. I just don't get it or feel it. So, I've mocked up a room, converted some full, and 12 scale measurements to 16 scale and am feeling like I have a plan! Because I like to see quick results, I am leaving the roof and concentrating on the kitchen, my favourite room in a dolls house, in any house in fact.


I will also be choosing room colour schemes - at least wall and carpets - so will be buying paper and flooring over the next few weeks.

Getting a grip of the scale...

See how 12 scale looks awful in this house ...
A clean surface to either paint or paper. I've stuck down the edges of the external paper so that it will last longer without tearing ...

The old electrics revealed ...


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

An exciting new 1:16 scale project!

A friend at the dolls' house club very kindly suggested I look at two of her houses that she had bought recently from an auction house. I had mentioned that I was ready to dive in to another project.

I fell for this lovely house on sight so bought it immediately! It was built in the 1940s to plans from Hobbys from the 1930s, and needs much care. It it will be stunning when complete. Much more to follow on this. I'm starting with the exterior but am planning on keeping as many of the original features as possible so will be trying to touch up more than anything.

What an absolute beauty. I can't wait to get started!


Teeny ted

This has been the trickiest item I've made since starting my doll house hobby. This little bear is from a kit but the cutting out, matching up, sewing, stuffing and decoration are still required. He is really stunning, I will likely buy another of these kits, which are around £8. He sits just over an inch high and his arms and legs move but at this scale, joints are not used, just a simple threading technique.

And this is the kit ...