Sunday, 13 June 2010

Living room: floor

The living room floor is now complete.I've used PVA to glue the sticks to the floor. Remember that the floor has already had a coat of 50/50 water/PVA applied. The banisters are also in place, and there is an area at the top of the stairs where the paint and wallpaper don't meet, so I've cut and stained some wood pieces to fit there once they've dried.
I've made a door frame, which you can see from the kitchen. I'll also add this to the living room once I've tidied up the wallpaper and finished the picture rail.

After that, I'll mitre cut the skirting board, stain it and fix it.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Living room: picture rail and lighting

Today I've fitted the picture rail, which is at a bit of an odd level due to the height of the ceilings. Traditionally they would be at least another couple of feet higher. I've also fitted and connected the wall lights and the fireplace light. The lolly sticks are cut and ready for painting. Rather than mahogany or walnut, I'm giving them a wash with a butterscotch coloured paint.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Living room: wallpaper and cornice

I've pasted fleur de lis wallpaper on the living room walls, and have fitted cornicing, which I've measured and sawed using a miniature mitre box (see the last picture for how I do this). Tomorrow I'm adding a picture rail and am cutting lollypop sticks to size before staining them in walnut for the floor. After they are fitted I can add a skirting board.

Skirting boards, cornice and picture/dado rails should always be mitred for a more realistic look. It's painstaking but worth it!


Here are some accessories that I bought today for the kitchen and sitting room from a new shop that's opened near Vine Place in Sunderland called Dolly Foster.